The conference serves to unite and strengthen the pro-life community as it gathers parish and school ministry leaders, volunteers, young adults, clergy, religious, and all people of good will who care about transforming our culture so that all life from conception to natural death is protected in law and welcomed in love. Its goals are to explain issues important to the Catholic Church, highlight Church teachings, promote dialogue and inspire action.
The conference serves to unite and strengthen the pro-life community as it gathers parish and school ministry leaders, volunteers, young adults, clergy, religious, and all people of good will who care about transforming our culture so that all life from conception to natural death is protected in law and welcomed in love. Its goals are to explain issues important to the Catholic Church, highlight Church teachings, promote dialogue and inspire action.
The 2023 Florida Culture of Life Conference was held October 13-14th, 2023, at St. Sylvester Catholic Church in Navarre, Florida. The conference was hosted by the Diocese of Pensacola Tallahassee, and the theme was "A Eucharist Way of Reconciling Love."
The following presentations were recorded live at the conference and are a now available on the Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee's YouTube page, and listed below:
Living Our Co-Mission of Reconciliation with Bishop William A. Wack, CSC
Adapting to a Changing Climate with Friar Mario L. Serrano, OFM Conv.
Human Trafficking with Dr. Terrence C. Coonan
The Catholic Voice in the Death Penalty Debate with Maria DeLiberato, Esq.
Promoting the Sanctity of Human Life after Roe V. Wade with Gloria Purvis
The Way of Reconciling Love with Dr. Tom Neal