The conference serves to unite and strengthen the pro-life community as it gathers parish and school ministry leaders, volunteers, young adults, clergy, religious, and all people of good will who care about transforming our culture so that all life from conception to natural death is protected in law and welcomed in love. Its goals are to explain issues important to the Catholic Church, highlight Church teachings, promote dialogue and inspire action.
The 37th Annual Florida Culture of Life Conference took place at the Basilica of the National Shrine of Mary, Queen of the Universe in Orlando, October 18-19, 2024.
Speakers delved into an array of topics - including abortion, the death penalty, end of life care, natural family planning, and walking with moms in need - aiming to enhance comprehension of the Church's teaching on the inherent dignity and worthiness of protection for all human life.
The theme for this years conference is inspired by Luke 1:38: "Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word." The Angel Gabriel's message troubled Mary, leading her into uncharted waters and a life of unimaginable risk. Yet, she was willing to embrace the risk and trust in God's invitation.
The following presentations were recorded live at the conference and are a now available on the Diocese of Orlando's YouTube page, and listed below:
Readying Our Hearts and Minds for God's Will with Father Jorge Torres Speaking for the Unborn with Dr. Steven A. Christie, M.D. Embracing Fertility as a Divine Gift with Lauren Zamora Building a Culture of Life without the Death Penalty with Ingrid Delgado Aging with Dignity: Inspiration from Mother Teresa with Jim Towey Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship with Fr. Derek Saldanha and Michael Sheedy Walking with Moms in Need and Project Rachel Ministry with Sr. Maria Jose, SCTJM Saying Yes: Embracing your Fiat with Veronica Salgado Mass Homily with Bishop John G. Noonan